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If You're Happy And You Know It Song | Learn Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Captain Discovery

Duration: 16:13Views: 4.7KLikes: 11Date Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: Captain Discovery - Videos for Kids

Category: Education

Tags: toddlersrhymeskids songskindergarteneducationif you're happy and you know it clap your handschildren rhymesmusicpoemtoddlerplaylistchildrenschoolsongs for kidskids videoscaptain discoverychildren's songsongs for childrennursery rhymesif you're happy and you know itkidssongnursery rhymerhymes for childrencartoonlearnkids songchildren songsif you're happy and you know it clap your hands songsongspreschoolbest kids songs

Description: Clap your hands together if you are happy and you know it, watch the most cutest song of kids ever! Dance with Captain Discovery, Jim, Hannah and Pip and you'll surely cheer up! 🔔 Subscribe to our channel because new videos are uploaded every week! bit.ly/2AIGcKJ 🎵 Go to your Favorite Song by selecting the title below! 👇 00:06 If You're Happy And You Know It 01:50 Baa Baa Black Sheep - The Vault Of Wool 03:02 Humpty Dumpty 04:19 Wheels On The Bus - Driving Through The Woods 05:33 Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed 07:48 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive 08:54 Old MacDonald Had A Farm - Old Macdonalds Birthday 10:02 Face Painting With Captain Discovery 11:22 Incy Wincy Spider 12:09 Twinkle Twinkle 13:45 Dinosaur Finger Family 14:57 Learn Colors With Surprise Eggs Toys And Water Slides Enjoy other Captain Discovery Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs: All New Nursery Rhymes & Educational Songs - youtube.com/watch?v=kEBc5OQVJ3w&list=PLksJn1XTdAkYcf2IVhFXVE5JSxL67dB6W Best Educational Songs By Captain Discovery - youtube.com/watch?v=Rb0HY5MQg_c&list=PLksJn1XTdAkZFc2Y6bb1uWR_9O4r_XBU4 Nursery Rhymes Collection By Captain Discovery - youtube.com/watch?v=aZT8vWEIRrs&list=PLksJn1XTdAkbJHgEfv_Ou4__g-c0TwHtH Classic Nursery Rhymes by Captain Discovery - youtube.com/watch?v=15VuceYHcBA&list=PLksJn1XTdAkamZ-hTL3s-rkENyuXw-0LR About our Channel - Welcome Aboard to Captain Discovery’s World of Adventures, Nursery Rhymes, Learning, and Surprises for your little ones! Meet Captain Discovery and his wonderful crew Jim and Hannah along with their cute dog Pip, learn while you have fun! #captaindiscovery #kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #childrensongs #babysongs

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